Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Induatrial

The career consists of 2 levels, the Superior University Technician (TSU) which is 2 years and engineering which is 1 year and 8 more months, for a total of 3 years and 8 months. Upon completion and approval you will obtain 2 titles, the TSU and the engineering.

The Higher University Technician in Industrial Area Maintenance has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national level.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Higher University Technician to develop activities in their professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, their knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


Specific Competences:


1. Manage maintenance activities through the integration of the master plan, to guarantee the operation and contribute to the productivity of the organization.


1.1 Define the maintenance universe through the integration of technical information, to develop the maintenance master plan.

1.2 Develop the master maintenance plan based on the hierarchy of equipment and frequency of activities, authorized budget and organization policies, to manage resources, optimize operation and service.

1.3. Control compliance with the maintenance master plan by monitoring activities and evaluating results, to propose improvements and guarantee the operation of the organization's equipment.


2. Supervise the replacement or manufacture of parts of the electromechanical systems in machinery, equipment and industrial distribution networks using standards to maintain the systems in optimal conditions.


2.1 Diagnose the performance characteristics of the systems and their elements based on the interpretation of plans and diagrams, specifications and applicable regulations; to establish the criteria for replacement or manufacture of parts.

2.2. Coordinate the replacement or manufacture of parts of systems: industrial electromechanical and distribution according to the organization's policies, diagnosis, applicable regulations and manufacturer's technical specifications; for the fulfillment of the master plan.





The Higher University Technician in Maintenance Industrial area, will be able to work in:


  • Public and private companies dedicated to the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors such as: Mining, Fishing and Agriculture
  • Metalworking, food, plastic, chemical, clothing, aeronautical, automotive, household appliance, pharmaceutical companies, among others
  • Service companies such as hotels, hospitals, among others
  • Your own Industrial Maintenance company





 The Higher University Technician in Industrial Area Maintenance may work as:

  • Maintenance supervisor
  • Maintenance planner
  • Maintenance manager
  • Maintenance leader
  • Maintenance technician
The Industrial Maintenance Engineer has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national level.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Engineer to develop activities in his professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, his knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


Specific Competences:


1. Design maintenance strategies through the analysis of human, technological, economic and financial factors, for the preparation and administration of the master maintenance plan that guarantees the availability and reliability of the plant, contributing to the competitiveness of the company.


1.1 Assess information on human, technological, economic and financial factors by analyzing the policies and conditions of the company and its environment for decision-making.

1.2 Manage the maintenance master plan by establishing maintenance policies, methods and procedures to improve the operation of the resources and equipment used.


2. Optimize maintenance activities and equipment operating conditions through reliability techniques and tools to increase the overall efficiency of equipment and reduce maintenance costs in support of the company's sustainability and competitiveness.

2.1 Guarantee the correct operation of the equipment and facilities through the application of the best maintenance practices to contribute to the competitiveness of the company.

2.2 Supervise the rational and efficient use of energy resources, industrial safety and waste management through the application of standards to contribute to the sustainable operation of the company.


3. Validate engineering studies and technical-economic projects through feasibility analysis to improve the maintainability of equipment and facilities.


3.1 Integrate innovation projects into production systems with a focus on maintainability through the use of new technologies to improve the company's operations.

3.2 Design technological development projects through viability and feasibility studies to improve maintainability.





 The Industrial Maintenance Engineer may work in:


  • Public and private companies dedicated to the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors such as: Companies dedicated to Mining, Fishing and Agriculture
  • Metalworking, food, plastic, chemical, clothing, aeronautical, automotive, household appliance, pharmaceutical companies, among others
  • Service companies such as hotels, hospitals, among others
  • Your own industrial maintenance company





The Industrial Maintenance Engineer may work as:


  • Plant manager
  • Maintenance management
  • Maintenance engineer
  • Maintenance manager
  • Maintenance Supervisor or Manager
  • Maintenance leader