Ingeniería en Energías Renovables

The career consists of 2 levels, the Superior University Technician (TSU) which is 2 years and engineering which is 1 year and 8 more months, for a total of 3 years and 8 months. Upon completion and approval you will obtain 2 titles, the TSU and the engineering.

Higher University Technician


The Renewable Energies career at the Higher University Technician (TSU) level has three specialties:

Quality and Energy Saving
The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Quality and Energy Savings area has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national levels.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Higher University Technician to develop activities in their professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, their knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


 Specific Competences:


1. Formulate renewable energy projects through energy diagnoses and specialized studies of the surrounding natural resources, to contribute to sustainable development and the rational and efficient use of energy.


1.1 Evaluate the current conditions of the electro-mechanical systems using measuring instruments, considering the regulations and technical specifications, to identify potential areas of rational and efficient use.

1.2 Integrate energy efficiency projects based on renewable energy systems through the analysis of available natural resources, the result of the energy evaluation based on regulations and company policies, to propose alternatives with a sustainable approach.


2. Direct energy saving and quality projects, based on an energy diagnosis of the system, to contribute to sustainable development (environment, environmental impact, climate change, pollution), through the rational and efficient use of energy.


2.1 Diagnose the operating parameters of electrical systems using electrical data acquisition techniques to evaluate and suggest areas for improvement.

2.2 Formulate electric energy quality and saving projects using project development methodologies to contribute to rational use and sustainable development.





The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies, Quality and Energy Savings area, will be able to work in:


  • Companies and public and private institutions that require assistance in the development of strategies related to the efficient use and quality of electrical energy, as well as in the use of renewable energies.
  • Industrial and commercial sectors that require the formulation and implementation of projects of quality and saving of electrical energy.
  • Industrial, commercial and residential sectors that require the design, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems.
  • Industrial, commercial and residential sectors that require the design, installation and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations and lighting systems.
  • Industry that demands projects focused on the production of energy from non-polluting natural resources.
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations that manage and apply resources for projects with social and sustainable impact
  • Consulting companies focused on carrying out clean industry projects that help reduce energy costs.
  • Own company of service projects in the electrical and photovoltaic field.




The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Quality and Energy Savings area may work as:


  • Maintenance supervisor of electromechanical installations
  • Coordinator of energy efficiency projects
  • Supervisor of work and electromechanical processes
  • Technical advisor in energy diagnoses
  • Supervisor of engineering projects implementing renewable energies
  • Supervisor of systems, processes and use of electrical energy
  • Resident of electrical work
  • Installer of photovoltaic systems




  • Have successfully completed their high school studies, preferably in the areas of technology or exact sciences.
  • Mathematical thinking ability
  • Analytical thinking ability
  • Ability to structure the language (Spanish)
  • Reading comprehension ability.
  • Skills in Information Technology.
  • Permanent desire to overcoming.
  • Interest in sustainable development.
The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Solar Energy area has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national levels.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Higher University Technician to develop activities in their professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, their knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


Specific Competences:


1. Formulate renewable energy projects through energy diagnoses and specialized studies of the surrounding natural resources, to contribute to sustainable development and the rational and efficient use of energy.


1.1 Evaluate the current conditions of the electro-mechanical systems using measurement instruments, considering the regulations and technical specifications, to identify potential areas of rational and efficient use.

1.2 Integrate energy efficiency projects based on renewable energy systems through the analysis of available natural resources, the result of the energy evaluation based on regulations and company policies, to propose alternatives with a sustainable approach.


2. Develop photothermal and photovoltaic systems based on the requirements of industry and society to help meet energy demand and reduce environmental impact.


2.1 Integrate photothermal and photovoltaic systems by analyzing their viability and feasibility, to help meet energy needs.

2.2 Maintain photothermal and photovoltaic systems by monitoring variables, plans and maintenance programs to preserve the reliability of the system.




The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies Solar Energy area, will be able to work in:


  • Companies and public and private institutions that require assistance in the development of strategies related to the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies
  • Industrial, commercial and residential sectors that require the design, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic and solar thermal projects for the use of energy.
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations that manage and apply resources for projects with social and sustainable impact
  • Marketing companies focused on carrying out clean industry projects that contribute to the use of solar energy.
  • Industrial, commercial and residential sectors that require the design, installation and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations and lighting systems.
  • Own company of service projects in the electrical, photovoltaic and solar thermal field.




The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Solar Energy area may work as:


  • Coordinator of photovoltaic and thermosolar projects.
  • Resident of electrical work
  • Technical advisor in energy diagnoses.
  • Supervisor of engineering projects implementing renewable energies.
  • Supervisor of systems, processes and use of solar energy.
  • Electrical installation maintenance supervisor.




  • Have successfully completed their high school studies, preferably in the areas of technology or exact sciences.
  • Mathematical thinking ability
  • Analytical thinking ability
  • Ability to structure the language (Spanish)
  • Reading comprehension ability.
  • Skills in Information Technology.
  • Permanent desire to overcoming.
  • Interest in sustainable development.
Turbo energy
The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Turboenergy area has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national levels.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Higher University Technician to develop activities in their professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, their knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


Specific Competences:


1. Formulate renewable energy projects through energy diagnoses and specialized studies of the surrounding natural resources, to contribute to sustainable development and the rational and efficient use of energy.


1.1 Evaluate the current conditions of the electro-mechanical systems using measurement instruments, considering the regulations and technical specifications, to identify potential areas of rational and efficient use.

1.2 Integrate energy efficiency projects based on renewable energy systems through the analysis of available natural resources, the result of the energy evaluation based on regulations and company policies, to propose alternatives with a sustainable approach.


2. Integrate wind, geothermal and mini-hydraulic systems based on the requirements of industry and society, to meet energy needs and contribute to sustainable development.

2.1 Implement the installation of wind or geothermal or mini-hydraulic systems by analyzing the environment and pertinent regulations for energy transformation.

2.2 Supervise the operation of wind or geothermal or mini-hydraulic systems by controlling process variables for energy transformation.

2.3 Maintain the installation of wind, geothermal and mini-hydraulic systems through the application of maintenance plans and programs to guarantee the efficiency of the system.




 The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies, Turboenergy area, will be able to work in:


  • Companies and public and private institutions that require assistance in the development of strategies related to the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies
  • Industrial and commercial sectors that require projects to harness energy from wind, mini-hydraulic, geothermal and tidal resources
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations that manage and apply resources for projects with social and sustainable impact
  • Marketing companies focused on carrying out social responsibility projects that contribute to the use of renewable energies




 The Higher University Technician in Renewable Energies in the Turboenergy area may work as:


  • Maintenance supervisor of electromechanical installations
  • Coordinator of energy efficiency projects
  • Supervisor of work, processes and electromechanical maintenance
  • Technical advisor in energy diagnoses
  • Supervisor of engineering projects, implementing renewable energies
  • Supervisor of systems, processes and use of electrical energy
  • Resident of electrical work




  • Have successfully completed their high school studies, preferably in the areas of technology or exact sciences.
  • Mathematical thinking ability
  • Analytical thinking ability
  • Ability to structure the language (Spanish)
  • Reading comprehension ability.
  • Skills in Information Technology.
  • Permanent desire to overcoming.
  • Interest in sustainable development.
The Engineer in Renewable Energies has the necessary professional skills for their performance in the working environment, at the local, regional and national level.




Professional competencies are the skills and attitudes that allow the Engineer to develop activities in his professional area, adapt to new situations, as well as transfer, if necessary, his knowledge, skills and attitudes to nearby professional areas.


Generic Competences:


  • Pose and solve problems based on the principles and theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, through the scientific method to support decision-making in the scientific and technological fields.


  • Develop and strengthen instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and managerial skills to communicate in a second language.


Specific Competences:


1. Develop renewable energy systems by designing innovative solutions, managing human capital, material and energy resources to improve the company's competitiveness and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.


1.1 Design energy systems by integrating innovative technologies to respond to customer needs.

1.2 Direct energy projects based on an implementation plan to ensure their start-up and operation.




The Engineer in Renewable Energies, will be able to work in:


  • Companies and public and private institutions that require assistance in the development of strategies related to the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies
  • Industrial Sector that require projects, strategies and plans in favor of the efficient use of bioenergy, turbo energy, energy quality and solar energy
  • Industry that demands projects focused on the transformation of energy from non-polluting natural resources
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations that manage and apply resources for projects with social and sustainable impact
  • Consulting companies focused on carrying out clean industry projects that contribute to the reduction of energy costs
  • Consulting companies focused on carrying out technological-scientific innovation projects
  • Own company of service projects in the electrical and renewable energy field




 The Renewable Energy Engineer may work as:


  • Power Supply Department Manager
  • Director of energy efficiency projects
  • Manager of construction and electromechanical processes
  • Advisor and consultant in energy diagnoses
  • Director of engineering projects implementing renewable energies
  • Manager of systems, processes and use of electrical energy
  • Project supervisor in electrical work
  • Systems manager, processes that use renewable energy
  • Manager of design and evaluation of new energy processes
  • Business developer in energy efficiency and renewable energies
  • Technological-scientific innovation developer
  • Executive trainer in the technological-scientific area