The Foreign Languages Program of the UTM consists of 11 semesters (3 years 8 monthsintotal). At the end, you will be able to get certified internationally, according toyour objectives in certifications such as Cambridge, Toefl, Cenni or Dell.
The objective of the Foreign Languages Program of the UTM is to provide society, graduatesand students of the Technological University of Morelia the teaching and commandof languages; taking on the responsibility with global, social and cultural development throughan innovative educational model, which is based on the development of oral andwrittenskills and competencies, allowing students to access national and international communication spaces, in order to get the best academic, cultural and social opportunitiesfor their professional and human development.
Interpersonal skills
1. Listening skills: It takes more time to process a foreign language, which will forceyoutolisten more carefully in order to know what to answer. In your mother tongue, often, insteadof listening carefully to your interlocutor, you start thinking about what you aregoingtoanswer, you will realize about it when you study a foreign language.
2. Speaking skills: Speaking another language not only improves your ability toexpressyourself in the language you are studying, but also gives you a new perspectiveof yourmother tongue.
3. Cultural openness: Studying a foreign language gives you the opportunity to understandthe essence of another culture. Language will open all doors for you, at school andinyoureveryday life, you will see how much formalities or traditions can change fromoneplacetoanother.
4. Empathy and the ability to identify with other people: Knowing the world canhelpyouunderstand that people share the same basic emotions, regardless of where they areborn.
5. Patience: Patience is key when studying a language, but also when dealing withanothercountry and culture.
6. Teamwork: Nowadays, language teaching includes a lot of activities in doing ataskinanother language, with people who do not speak your mother tongue, it is a very rewardingchallenge that will allow you to improve your ability to work in team. You don't havetolikethem all, but you have to work together, as in any job.
Mental competencies
1. Creative problem solving: When you're out of your comfort zone, often surroundedbypeople who don't speak your language, you have to be creative in solving problems thatcome up.
2.Multidisciplinary thinking: This is a fundamental skill in the XXI century and theForeignLanguages Program is a perfect example of this. In a class, they can teach you a grammarrule or specific vocabulary, but it will be through different activities, and dealingwithdifferent topics. A grammatical structure can be learned, for example, by doing agroupdiscussion, a game, a text or a mock interview; very different approaches to learningthesame aspect of another language. XXI and The Foreign Languages Program is a perfect example of this type. In a class, they can teach you a grammar rule or a specific vocabulary, but you will do it through different activities, and dealing with different topics. A grammatical structure can be learned, for example, by doing a group discussion, a game, a text or a mock interview; very different approaches to learning the same aspect of another language.
Social skills
1.Capacity for self-management: The Foreign Languages Program will do everythingpossibleso that your arrival in the country of your choice goes well, but, in the end, youwill betheone who has to organize yourself to make the most of your time.
Personality traits
1. Self-confidence: You have to believe in yourself to talk to strangers in a languagethatisnot your own, but you will be surprised of how friendly people are when you try tospeaktheir language. This self-confidence will stay with you all your life.
2. Perseverance: Learning to think and read in another language is challenging, but veryrewarding. Your perseverance will be rewarded with a set of skills that you will havefor life.
3. Responsibility: If you go to live to another country, you will be far fromyour relativesandit is up to you to create a new comfort zone and that everything goes well.
4. Ambition: It means that the more of the world you see, the better you'll knowwhat youwant in life… and how to get it.
5. Initiative: This is one of the most important skills. Things are not going to fall fromthesky;you must have initiative to achieve your goals. Not being surrounded by "your people"isessential to have initiative in your new environment.
6. Integrity: Is integrity acquired? Meeting new people from all over the world allows youtoreflect on what you really value in people.
7. Emotional balance: One of the most intriguing aspects of speaking a foreign languageisthat you probably think before you open your mouth, thereby reducing the chancesof saying something you don't know. If you know how to manage your emotions, youwill fitin.on any team.
8. Flexibility: Each culture is different, and you need to be flexible to adapt to changes. Evenif you don't love how things work elsewhere, you have to adapt. The ability todeal withdifficult or unexpected situations will come in handy.
9. Maturity: Add up all the previously mentioned skills and that’s the definition