Technological University of Morelia

La UTM abre Carrera en Procesos Alimentarios

The UTM opens a Career in Food Processes

The Technological University of Morelia (UTM) expands the academic offer with the Career of Higher University Technician in Food Processes…

Morelia, Michoacán on June 23, 2022.- The Technological University of Morelia (UTM) expands the academic offer with the Career of Higher University Technician in Food Processes.

Graciela Andrade García Peláez explained that the objective is to train professionals with knowledge to industrialize, produce and preserve dairy, meat and cereals, ensuring that they comply with the Official Mexican Standards that control the production and safety of food.

He explained that the specific competencies of this TSU is to industrialize raw materials, through technological processes, to produce and preserve food that contributes to the development of agro-industrial potential; in addition to transforming raw materials, through the use of relevant technology to give it added value.

In addition, it is intended to conserve food resources, through techniques and standards that prolong their useful life and add product quality.

The graduate will be able to work as head of product storage management, and coordinator of Food Safety Management Systems, in micro, medium and large public and private companies or create their own company.

This career maintains 70 percent of practice and 30 percent of theory, and its duration is two years, in a four-month system, without monthly payments.

The admission exam is on July 30, 2022 online at 9:00 in the morning or 3:00 in the afternoon. Registration is done online at or on FB, Technological University of Morelia.