Technological University of Morelia

Se constituye Comité Estatal de Pertinencia de la UTM

State Relevance Committee of the UTM is constituted

With the aim of linking students with the productive sector, in order to articulate their learning with practice...

Its function will be to articulate and link learning with practice

Morelia, Michoacán, August 9, 2022.- With the aim of linking students with the productive sector, in order to articulate their learning with practice, the members of the State Committee for Relevance of Educational Programs of the University Technology of Morelia (UTM).

The rector of the educational institution, Graciela Andrade García Peláez, who will chair the committee, explained that it is a collegiate body for consultation, planning, support and guidance, made up of representatives from different sectors of society, business chambers and educational authorities, as well as representatives of the same university, which will contribute to the development of the institution and, in turn, will have an impact on the socioeconomic development of the entity.

Andrade García Peláez reported that it is also made up of the Pertinence Committees of each career: Biotechnology Gastronomy, Textile Design and Industrial Fashion; Information Technologies in Multiplatform Software Development; Virtual Environments and Digital Businesses; Renewable energy; Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics.

Within the framework of the protest, Mariana Sosa Olmeda, director of the Institute of Higher and Higher Secondary Education of Michoacán, recognized the work of the UTM regarding the linking of students with companies and chambers of commerce. He added that the creation of the State Committee will be the opportunity to link with the productive sector and achieve a better quality of life.

Rubén Flores Muñoz, president of COPARMEX Michoacán, promised to support to strengthen and promote the educational model of the UTM.

Among the members of the State Pertinence Committee were Armando López Orduña, General Director of the Association of Producers and Exporting Packers of Avocado of Mexico (APEAM); Hermes Villafuerte, president of the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry; Teresita Beatriz Pérez Torres, president of the Association of Hotels and Motels of the State of Michoacán; businessmen; academics and representatives of civil society.